All * fields are required Type of Organization/Ownership: Non-Profit Corporation or Ministry Corporation, for profit DBA / Sole Proprietorship Partnership Unincorporated Non-Business Other Number of Employees/Staff for the Last Three Years: 2014 2015 YTD Full-Time Part-Time Volunteers Church Attendance for the Last Three Years (if applicable): 2014 2015 YTD Sunday School Sunday Morning Sunday Evening Saturday Evening Midweek School Enrollment (Monday to Friday) for the Last Three Years (if applicable): 2014 2015 YTD Daycare Preschool Elementary High School College Income Statement Summary: 2014 2015 YTD Annual Income for all sources Annual Expenses Net gain or loss Please attach statement explaining any substantial net loss. A statement is also required if the net gain is not sufficient to cover the annual payments on the new loan. Balance Sheet Summary for Period Ending: December 31, 2014 2015 YTD Current Assets (cash, negotiable securities) Real Property (market value) Other assets Total Assets Current Liabilities (due in one year or less) Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Net Worth (excess of assets over liabilities) Schedule of Payments Summary: Please attach the accompanying "Schedule of Present Loans" form itemizing each loan and corresponding payment amount. Please include mortgage payments, rent, payment, and other contractual monthly obligations. Total Monthly Obligations Please attach financial statements supporting the above numbers.